
Your State Homeowners Wonder Why No One Told Them This New Policy

Your State Homeowners Wonder Why No One Told Them This New Policy
By Melanie Suffon
Your State Homeowners Wonder Why No One Told Them This New Policy

If your zip code qualifies, the Federal Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit will pay you to go solar!

Thanks to a little-known government program called “Federal Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit”, homeowners in specific zip codes are getting $1,000’s in tax credit credits and rebates to install solar panels on their homes.

Find out if your zip code qualifies

This is a big deal. Because there are millions of people who would love to get solar panels installed on their homes, but the cost is excessive. But not if they live in specific areas.

How Does it Work?

The government would like as many homeowners as possible to switch to solar. Here’s why: Solar is cheaper, and better for long term economic strength and growth. Here’s how “going solar” can affect what you pay:

Dramatization Bill

But the problem is the cost of going solar is prohibitive. So very quietly, the government has targeted certain zip codes across the United States, and enacted Federal Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit. This allows homeowners like you to lease (not buy) solar panels, usually for $0 down, and the government will help you afford the system with generous tax credits and rebates. It’s a serious win for homeowners!

The Time to Act is Right Now

Now you might be asking why you haven’t heard of this Tax Credit previously? Most likely because the government doesn’t want to upset power companies too much. So like many tax breaks and incentives, it’s just put out there with little exposure. But it’s very real. If you want to lock yourself into 2017’s solar incentives, you have to act now.

How Do I Find Out if I Qualify?

It’s 100% free to see if you qualify, and takes about two short minutes.

Step 1: Click your state on the map to instantly check your eligibility for free

Step 2: Once you go through a few questions and enter your home info, you will find out if your area qualifies, and how much “going solar” can mean to your savings!

